CDR has a New Website!

We at the Community Data Roundtable are proud to introduce our brand new web page! As a trusted “Data Geneva,” we strive to provide outstanding service to our clients, and operate as the ‘go-to’ data carrier for multi-entity outcomes implementations. Our new website showcases our expertise and services to both new and existing clients.

The core of our services is the DataPool, CDR’s advanced proprietary software. The DataPool is the most advanced tool for VBP outcomes implementations in behavioral health on the market. CDR’s DataPool offers clients accurate, reliable, and trustworthy data  for informed decision making about programs and services.

So if you’re looking for a trusted partner to help you with your data needs, look no further than the Community Data Roundtable; we are ready to help you achieve your goals and improve outcomes for your clients. Contact us today to learn more about our services!