Who Uses Our App
Behavioral health systems are complicated and multi-tiered. The CANSA App helps facilitate collaboration to ensure person-centered care. CDR’s CANSA app includes specific portals for everyone in your system: from front line clinicians rating the tool, to system administrators monitoring system performance. Here are the various ways in which the CANSA app serves different levels in your system of care.
Frontline Workers

Meet Erica:
Erica is working with a client who has been referred because of behavioral health difficulties at school.
Erica does her full assessment and utilizes the CANSA app to ensure she captures all information relevant for proper treatment planning.
At the end of the assessment, Erica prints her report and discusses the results with her client. She shares the take-home report with the family, that summarizes the direction of treatment, and makes the assessment's conclusions clear. Families will take this report to share with their primary care provider, teachers, and anyone else who is on the treatment team. Leading your treatment with outcomes.
Clinical Leaders

Meet Kelly:
Kelly administers a large behavioral health agency where workers (like Erica above) work.
She ensures that her clinicians have a regular assessment and treatment development process through the CANSA app, because she knows this is a central part of good clinical care.
This also allows her to monitor the clinical quality of her whole agency. She can see the severity of her population, compare program and worker outcomes, track high-risk cases, and generally lead her program towards positive outcomes. When it’s time to show her impact to stakeholders like managed care, accreditation agencies, or interested consumers, she can print high-impact reports that show she is leading with outcomes.
Group Supervisors

Meet Raqim:
Raqim administers 12 workers in a mental health group home.
Because everyone works different shifts, he only gets to see all of his workers once a week at their online group supervision.
Raqim leads his supervision meetings with the CANSA app outcomes reports: providing objective summary information about their programs, caseload intensity comparison, and individual client progress. Providing clinical supervision with outcomes.
Care Managers

Meet Gerri:
Gerri is a case manager for a behavioral health managed care company, and is only called in for the most complex cases.
Complex cases have been in the system for a long time, and have typically received services from across providers and silos.
Gerri is able to use the CANSA app to have one coherent data-centered story on the most complicated cases. She can see success and failures for these clients at different levels of care, the services that research shows would match these clients' needs, algorithms on severity … it’s a full list of resources for managing with outcomes.
System Administrators

Meet Cheryl:
Cheryl administers a large child welfare agency serving a county that stretches between urban and rural areas.
Cheryl is able to use the CANSA app to see severity, needs, and transformations across her network. She identifies inconsistencies in her network, and trends that could point to inequities.
She uses CANSA app reports to communicate with politicians and department heads about the successes and needs in the network. She also works with CDR’s analytics team to develop decision support algorithms that frontline workers (remember Erica?) will receive as they do their daily work with clients. She can now lead her system with outcomes.