About Us

Community Data Roundtable (CDR) is a non-profit software company that created and currently operates the CANSA app™

The CANSA app™

The CANSA app™ is known for robust mental health data that requires whole community collaboration. This collaboration provides many benefits including norms from a growing and representative pool of users, while our high touch support with technical issues and ongoing rapid product updates keep your organization at the cutting edge of human services.

CDR is dedicated to improving mental healthcare through technology

We strive to be a “Data Geneva” which can be trusted by all parties for stewarding a transparent, accountable, and secure human service system that increases community wellness.

black woman with braids looking at graphs and charts on a laptopData-Driven Software

The CDR CANSA app software is an outcomes application for the provider, and a review tool for the payer/government, all in one.

The CANSA app is used by frontline workers and clinicians to track member progress and receive decision support. On the provider side, supervisors use the CANSA app to manage the outcomes and clinical review of their population through helpful reports and tools. Simultaneously, this information is made available to care managers and reviewers, in order to facilitate management and authorization processes.

Behavioral Health Analytic Services
& Decision Support

Beyond collecting the data, CDR works with local communities to analyze their systems of care, finding opportunities for positive impact.


The most important analytic tool developed for oversight and planning is CDR’s Communimetric Service Match (CSM) algorithms. These algorithms identify members in need of specific local programs, expediting timely and appropriate referrals. CSMs coordinate your whole system so that consumers get the care they need, at the right time, and at the right intensity.

Other measures and insights are always being developed, including measures of clinical change and improvement, autism severity, riskiness, and more.

Expert Implementation

Middle-aged white man in professional clothes presenting a graph chart to a room of peopleMore than software and analytics, CDR brings expertise on implementing large scale outcomes and decision support systems.

Our knowledgeable staff has implemented successful Total Clinical Outcomes Management programs in multiple jurisdictions, and accomplishes results. Through regular meetings, audits, CQI processes, outreach, collaborative meetings and more, we know how to make a program successful. Organizations using our approach have achieved success with Joint Commission and National Council on Quality Assurance (NCQA) quality initiatives, and has helped steered their system to fiscal efficiencies as well.

Our Team


Dan Warner, Ph.D.
Executive Director and Founder

Amanda S. Hope, MPA
Chief Business Officer

Jesse D. Troy, Ph.D. MPH
Consulting Data Scientist

Brian Hanrahan, MA
Health Economics Associate

Megan Chellew, MS
Project & Communications Manager

Board of Directors

Dan Warner, Ph.D.
Executive Director and Founder

Jesse D. Troy, Ph.D. MPH
President of the Board of Directors

Carly Dobbins-Bucklad, MSPPM
Board Treasurer

Kathy Firestine, JD, LPC, MST
Board Member, Attorney & Therapist

Eric Tillman, MS, LPC, NCC
Board Member, Licensed Therapist

Edward Zuckerman, Ph.D.
Board Member, Author, Tools for Behavioral Health Clinicians